Before the new school year begins, The Vicki Soto Memorial Fund Inc. would like to help fill your classroom libraries! The Miss Soto’s Literacy Legacy Program has partnered with the Scholastic Company “Open a World of Possible” Fund. They have generously donated over 100 boxes of books to support our literacy efforts.
The “Open a World of Possible” initiative was established to help children learn to read and love to read, which aligns with our program. Over 5,000 books from your alphabet to NY best sellers, supporting grades PreK-12 are represented. Vicki was a true believer in the mission of the Scholastic Company. Ironically, she was at their store the night before 12.14.12 purchasing books for her classroom library.
A great source of sadness was the loss of her classroom library. A great source of sadness was the loss of all of her precious books. Throughout our book drives and our literacy program, Miss Soto’s classroom libraries live on and continue to grow.
Please join us August 5th and 6th at our office located at 3333 Main Street, Suite 203 in Stratford Connecticut 06614 from 11:00am-5:00pm to stock your classroom library with books, books, and more books! Teachers, please remember to bring your teacher ID’s to receive the books for free! We look forward to seeing you there!